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Chris Tingle's latest books, HillaryH+ vs. Non Generation, and Disenfranchised, are out — check out this radical new voice. Order Chris Tingle books from Amazon:
GODLESS: The death of God in our Society (or the effects of child rape) can drive a man to eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction and pure hatred for all things of God and man. Author: Drew Stepek
WE ALL FALL DOWN: The Bible is true, and Armageddon is now. The nature of hatred and forgiveness are highlighted through Jimmy's confrontation with God--and himself. Author: Brian Caldwell
Alphar Publishing's Ebooks translate revolution, weather and news with a literary dictionary to expose a character who is immortal with gristle, up close. Surveillance, Quake-Shrink Mob, Hillary H+, Disenfranchised, Draining the Swamp, and Accidental Revolutionary by Dr. Chris Tingle.